Jan. 18
6279,9 . . 2000 . Radio Johnny Tobacco (tent), Hawaiian music, old country, long breaks between songs, 45444, moved to 6275 at 2007, 44443, Irish jig at 2018, moved to 6265 briefly, then off suddenly, no ID heard
6285,0 . . 2010 . Radio Monique, 80’s pop, Bowie, Clash “London Calling”, 25441, moved to 6325 at 2034
6280,0 . . 2100 . Radio Johnny Tobacco, “I’m a Country Boy”, lots of country, ID 2127, 25442, c/d 2130
Jan. 23 - very poor conditions this evening
6280,0 . . 1930 . UNID (Johnny Tobacco?), Spanish music, country, long pauses between songs, c/d 1943, no ID heard, 25332
6380,0 . . 1945 . Lowland Radio, very weak music, ID via Iann’s chat, c/d 2003
3940,0 . . 2039 . Radio Alice, ID, country music, 25441
6305,0 . . 2118 . TRX Radio, 50’s music, fading in and out, ID via Iann’s chat, 15441, (weakest signal ever from TRX)
Jan. 29 - a busy Friday night, and decent conditions :-)
6265,0 . . 2036 . Mustang Radio, dance, ID, greetings, Europe “Rock the Night”, Scorpions “Send Me an Angel”, Abba “The Winner Takes It All”, 45444, c/d 2156
6255,1 . . 2158 . UNID, very weak music, short announcement by man in possibly a Latin language, few seconds of music, and c/d,
6285,0 . . 2235 . Little Feat Radio, music at noise level, ID popped out of the noise, signal was improving just as I had to leave the radio for supper, 25441
6989,0 . . 2343 . Radio Johnny Tobacco, “Dragonslayer”, instrumentals, ID, c/d 0007, 25442 at start up to 45443 at end (seemed to increase power)
6320,0 . . 2358 . Radio Zomerzon. “November Rain”, 23441, some utility QRM
6975,1 . . 0009 . UNID, weak music, eastern European (Greek/Balkan?), no announcements heard 24441
4026,0 . . 0054 . Laser Hot Hits, dance, ID, good signal tonight, 44443
Thanks to all the stations!