News about free radio stations on shortwave and mediumwave, and free radio logs from Newfoundland, Canada.

Monday 29 April 2013

The first offshore 'pirate? - An offshore station against Hitler, 1938


Interesting that the official Dutch broadcasting agency provided technical support to this 'pirate' ship!  

(Some people would classify this as a 'clandestine' station, but the offshore broadcasting qualifies it as pirate to me.)

An offshore station against Hitler

  The radio station of the German Freedom Party

In 1938 the "Deutsche Freiheitspartei," a small political counter movement acting against Hitler, tried their luck with offshore radio, broadcasting their appeals for resistance to the population of Germany. The daring operation lasted only for just three months and a few days. Martin van der Ven here recollects the short history of the "Sender der Deutschen Freiheitspartei" and the people involved.
1 Left: Carl Spiecker (1948)
Carl Spiecker and the German Freedom Party. When offshore radio experts are asked about German speaking people involved with stations broadcasting from international waters, they usually remember Rudi Kagon (Mebo II engineer for Radio Nordsee International), both RNI DJ's Axel and Hannibal (later known as Ulf Posé), Dennis King (manager of Radio Caroline), and Johnny Jason (Radio Caroline deejay, real name Rüdiger von Etzdorf). The Swiss Elke, Edwin Bollier, Erwin Meister, Urs Emmenegger, Bruno Brandenberger, Kurt Baer, Victor Pelli and Eva Pfister (all of them also with RNI) are household names for many people, along with the Austrians Horst Reiner (RNI) and Manfred Sommer (from 1965 till 1968 engineer of Radio Caroline's MV Fredericia). But who remembers Jakob Altmaier (23-11-1889 to 8-2-1963), Ernst Langendorf (15-12-1907 to 7-12-1989) or Carl Spiecker (7-1-1888 to 18-11-1953). We have to go back 75 years in time, because then the first European, and the one and only German offshore station was broadcasting for a few months (apart from the brief experiment "Offshore 98", operated by a group of German radio freaks at Easter 1999).
  January 1938 — for five years Hitler had been ruling in Germany. And for five years, journalist and centrist politician Carl Spiecker had been living in exile in France and England. At the end of 1936 he founded along with Otto Klepper — while in exile — the DFP (Deutsche Freiheitspartei — German Freedom Party) against Hitler's dictatorship. Besides his journalistic activities, Carl discovered the medium of wireless for his resistance against Nazism. From early 1938 he made use of the ship 'Faithful Friend', registered in Lowestoft (Suffolk — UK) from where broadcasts were made against the Nazi regime.
  The 'Faithful Friend', a steam fish cutter of 110 gross and 38 net weight registered tons, was built in 1913 by the Crabtree and Co shipping company in Great Yarmouth (27.8 m long, 6.2 m wide and 3.2 m draught). She belonged to Gilbert and Co Ltd in Lowestoft, registered as 135743, LT 33. The cutter sailed under the British flag in the international waters off the Dutch and North West French coast. In her offshore days, 8 crew members were on board: the captain, a cook, 4 sailors and stokers (all of them fishermen from England), plus a German journalist who at the same time was acting as 'radio maker' and a Dutch broadcasting engineer.
  Spiecker's station 'Sender der Deutschen Freiheitspartei' (Station of the German Freedom Party) was supported by two experts from VARA of Hilversum. They made use of a short wave transmitter, with an output of just under 5 KW. The broadcasting equipment had been improved by British engineers. The preparation of the project happened in great secrecy whereby the British Government wasn't (at least officially) informed. The frequency was 7842 kHz on 38.26 meters. A Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei — Secret Police) report of the end of April 1938 stated: "'The 'Freedom Station' on 29.8 and 38.25 meters was heard several times during the past month." The reception on 29.8 meters obviously means a mix-up with the 'Deutscher Freiheitssender 29.8' broadcasting on short wave from Spain.
  From our sources we can conclude that Carl Spiecker himself wasn't on board; apparently he wrote his scripts in Paris. From there they were taken to a mailing address in an appropriate harbour where the 'Faithful Friend' would tie up. Very often Spiecker got a phone call from his collaborators, as soon as they came on land. British authors speculate on the financial and secret services' backgrounds of the project. Until today nobody knows, because Spiecker has always been very reticent. Even his family was only partly aware of his activities, whilst in exile. He had after all to provide food and beverages, to pay the wages of the ship's crew, and he had to finance the coal for the ship's engine and the petrol for the generators, as well as the broadcasting equipment. He had many contacts in British underground organisations. Sir Campbell Stuart had probably helped with the financing of the offshore project, whose office in the Electra House Department, managed the Cable and Wireless Company. Commander Kenneth Cohen of Colonel Claude Danseys's secret 'Z' organisation of the British Secret Service 'SIS' must have been of great help for Spiecker.
2 Right: Cutter "Faithful Friend" (1938) (Foto: Archive Stefan Appelius)
Aboard the 'Faithful Friend'. The reality on board the small and uncomfortable radio ship, caused substantial hardships and extremely hard living conditions for the crew who faced the truth with unprecedented bravery, idealism and civil courage. Jakob Altmaier and Ernst Langendorf, two social democrats, were editors and moderators on board of the radio ship. Both men had fled from Germany in the thirties and lived in exile. The first broadcasting day, in early 1938, of the 'Sender der Deutschen Freiheitspartei' is unknown. The station's call was 'Hier spricht der Sender der Deutschen Freiheitspartei!' (You are listening to the Station of the German Freedom Party!) Programmes were believed to be broadcast daily from 7.30 p.m. till 8.00 p.m., and from 10.00 p.m. till 10.30 p.m. Weather and circumstances permitting the programmes were repeated several times a night. In the event of storms the ship couldn't leave harbour, and broadcasts were cancelled. The programmes featured world news, but mainly focused on Germany, followed by political comments and an international press review, as well as appeals for resistance against the Hitler regime. They wanted to inform the German people about the 'real nature of the NSDAP' and its war plans. (NSDAP = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeitspartei — National Socialist German Worker's Party).
  April 1976, Ernst Langendorf in an interview: "The first 'editor' and broadcaster was Jakob Altmaier, but after a few days he gave up, as the working and living conditions aboard the dirty, primitive coal-fuelled ship in the stormy January seas were altogether too much for him... I arrived in Dieppe in mid-January. Despite the strong seas, which had confined the whole fishing fleet in Dieppe to harbour, we left Dieppe next afternoon for the open sea. But after a few hours I was soaked to the skin by the waves breaking over the ship and quite hors de combat from sea-sickness. Ready to die I took to my small cabin. The captain turned the ship around and we ran for harbour. In the night the storm died down and by the following afternoon the sea had calmed down sufficiently for us to put to sea again.
  "This time everything worked. The Dutch technician from Radio Hilversum got the apparatus ready to broadcast (electricity was provided by a petrol-driven motor). We broadcast on 38,25 metres short wave. At 7.30 p.m. I sat at the microphone and read the announcement: 'This is the radio of the German Freedom Party.' Then followed news, a press review (of the international press), a commentary and various items of information. Broadcast period thirty minutes interrupted regularly by the announcement, 'This is the radio of the German Freedom Party', with the wave length and times of the broadcast (daily from 7.30-8.00 p.m. and from 10.00-10.30 p.m.). This continued for several weeks, in fact for three months altogether (I can't remember the exact dates). A few times the broadcast period had to be shortened or the broadcast completely abandoned as a result of my sea-sickness. We only touched land when we had food or newspapers to collect. I took the news for the daily broadcasts from monitoring German, English, French and Swiss broadcasts. I wrote the commentaries with the help of the literature I had brought on board. Whenever we put into port, I telephoned Dr Spiecker in Paris who gave me further tips, information, advice and references. I provided myself with newspapers and journals."
3 Only a few German listeners. Now and then the 'Faithful Friend' was shadowed by a French warship to prevent her sailing into French national waters during broadcasts. The French Government would have carried out bearings regarding the exact location of the transmitter. During her stays in harbour the French authorities left the 'Faithful Friend' unhindered, although they were obviously well-informed regarding the actual task of the ship.
  Ernst Langendorf continued: "Dr.Spiecker had asked me if I was prepared to go on board this ship, and to broadcast news and comments in German for the people of Germany. I found it a great idea: to do something meaningful and at last tell the Germans what they had done with Hitler, and that Hitler would sooner or later start a war, which he had to lose. That was my motivation: to do something against this regime. It's very hard to assess if there was any reception in Germany. But I know for sure that the Gestapo was monitoring, because in the military archives of Freiburg, there are reports about a monitored broadcast of this station which was called by its full name. Dr. Spiecker also had connections in the Scandinavian countries, and asked them to inform him how reception was over there. But of course, this doesn't say anything about listening figures in Germany, which were surely limited."
  Around 1937/1938 the German radio industry produced some 3.4 millions of rather cheap 'Volksempfänger' (People's radio set), a genuine propaganda instrument of the Nazis. These sets had, deliberately, no short wave reception. The German spoken BBC programmes were however broadcast on medium wave too (the war was not on yet!), and regularly DIY guidelines were broadcast helping listeners to convert their 'Volksempfänger' into a world radio receiver. In the early days auxiliary apparatus was on sale at radio fairs, and amongst them a short wave device for the 'Volksempfänger'. It was however illegal to tune in to 'enemy broadcasts' and already by 1933 Germans who had listened to the German spoken programmes from Moscow, had been sent to detention centers. Let's be realistic, the 'Sender der Deutschen Freiheitspartei' must have had few listeners in Germany. The few reception reports came from the Baden region.
4 Left: Jakob Altmaier
Closedown and after. The closedown of the station occurred after a little bit more than three months, the night of 12-13 April 1938. Ernst Langendorf recalls: "Everything ran well until the beginning of April. On docking I rang Dr. Spiecker who said that we should stay in harbour, he would arrive there the next day for an important discussion. On his arrival he told us that as a result of changes in Paris he expected difficulties over our broadcasting; his contact at the Quai d'Orsay had advised him that it would be a good idea to disappear from French territorial waters until the situation had become clear. After some discussion we followed the advice of the Dutch technician, who recommended we should go to the Dutch port of IJmuiden."
The remaining crew in Cherbourg complied with Carl Spiecker's instructions and sailed to IJmuiden. Langendorf: "When we moored there early in the morning, the ship was thoroughly inspected by the customs and later taken control by a crowd of harbour police." There was speculation galore in the Dutch newspapers! De Telegraaf: "The odd thing of the whole affair is the fact that this old, patched up fishing trawler has brand new broadcasting equipment. Now and then a crew member comes out of the cabin, sweeps the deck and looks at the harbour. Then he disappears silently." Eventually the authorities put a seal on the broadcasting equipment and took control of the crew's papers and passports.
  Langendorf was taken to the guard post where he stood in front of a silent German functionary, wearing a NSDAP badge on his lapel. Langendorf: "He was given permission to inspect me, didn't ask me anything and disappeared quickly." The German Embassy had obviously been informed and called in.
  Langendorf was candid with the Dutch officials and granted them leave to inspect his broadcasting documents. Langendorf: "It took some hours before I was called back to the guard post, where the officer in charge received me unusually friendly and informed me that they believed everything and I was free to go." The authorities however made it clear that the ship could stay only for a short while in IJmuiden. The ship sailed back to England and the broadcasting equipment was stored in a Boulogne-sur-mer warehouse. On 16th April (Easter Saturday) Langendorf went to Paris, where he heard that Carl Spiecker had mustered a comfortable motor launch which had to be equipped in Boulogne-sur-mer as well. During her maiden trip the launch caught fire, when petrol was spilt in the galley. The ship was a total wreck. Frustrated, Spiecker gave up his offshore radio project.
  The Deutsche Freiheitspartei existed till early 1941. There has never been an official dissolution. From 16 May 1940 to 15 March 1941, Spiecker and his brother-in-arms Hans Albert Kluthe were to be heard on another 'Freiheitssender' from Woburn, near Bletchley, North-West of London, on short wave between 30.2 and 30.6 meters. In June 1941, Carl Spiecker went to Canada, and later returned to Germany in 1945 where he was involved in politics till his death in 1953. Jakob Altmaier lost 30 relatives in the concentration camps, and returned to Germany after the war. From 1949 until his death in 1963, he was involved in politics too. Ernst Langendorf went to the USA in 1941. A year later he enrolled in the US army and became an American citizen. In 1945 he came back to Germany with the allied forces, and from 1953 he was press officer for Radio Free Europe in Munich. He died in 1989.

Logs, April 28

Another strange night.  Conditions were good until sunset, then 48 m died.  But I did manage some nice receptions before this happened.

Update: I did get an ID for the UNID Greek station heard Friday night on 1710 kHz, thanks to my friends at the Greek free radio forum (  It was Dimitris Kapetanios (Captain)
from Heraklion, Crete.

15880,0u.1554 . Spaceshuttle Radio Int., “Land Down Under”, IDs, website, “Popcorn”, closing announcement, c/d 1608, 25442

6323,8 . . 2004 . Mustang Radio, slow pop, ID, greetings, country, c/d 2010, 25442

7610,0 . . 2010 . Radio Northpole, weak instrumental music, talk, up to 25442 at 2045 with instrumental, greetings, ID

6540,0 . . 2056 . Radio Powerliner Int., relays of Artem’s World Music Show, then Radio Ronin SW, ID, 34342

6324,2 . . 2002 . Radio Underground, ID, greetings, pop, 35332

6266,1 . . 2009 . Radio Mi Amigo, BOC “Love is Like Oxygen”, email, HL number, 35342

6304,0 . . 2127 . Odynn Radio, funk, up to 35443 at 2250 with “Black Betty”, CCR “Bad Moon”, ID, email, Johnny Cash “Ring of Fire”,

6990,0L . 2208 . Baltic Sea Radio “Johnny Be Good”, ID, 35443

6940,0 . . 2231 . UNID, weak music (Dutch I think), c/d 2337 without announcement,

6323,0 . . 2338 . Black Bandit Radio, pop, comedy routine in Dutch?, Eddie Meduza “Rollin’ Down”,  ID, greetings, 35443

Saturday 27 April 2013

Logs, April 27

It was a strange day on the sw bands.  I struggled to hear Spaceshuttle on 15880, and the signal here was lower than reported elsewhere in North America.

Signals were very late fading in on 48 m.  So late, in fact, that I gave up checking around 2115 and went to cook supper.  When I returned a half hour latter, signals were at a normal level, and the bands stayed open all night.

It was really nice to hear 3 stations relaying Radio Ronin SW tonight.  (Ronin was a recent victim of FCC action.)

Thanks to all the stations.

15880.0u.1324 . Spaceshuttle Radio Int., dance, ID, snailmail, email, non-English pop, “Happy Together”, 35432

6300,0 . . 2148 . TRX Radio, 50’s music, blues, ID, 35442

6305,0 . . 2157 . Radio Powerliner Int., 80’s music, ID, 25442, up to 35443 by 2330, rlaing Radio Ronin at 0025, “Come Sail Away”, c/d 0054

3905,6 . . 2242 . Radio Sallandse Boer, ID, Steve Winwood, “While You See a Chance”, 34442

6209,9 . . 2256 . Radio Flying Dutchman, techno, Deep Purple, “Black Night”, ID, greetings, Doobies “Long Train Running”, 34443, occasional strong ute

1655,0 . . 2310 . Radio Witte Raaf, weak talk and pop, managed to catch an ID, 24331

6735,0L . 2321 . Cool AM Radio, ID, into relay of Radio Ronin SW, IS, ID, 23441

1633,0 . . 2332 . Radio Barcelona, talk in Dutch, polka, c/d after 1 minute, ID via Iann;s chat,25442

1625,0 . . 2334 . Radio Batavier, Monkees “I’m a Believer”, ID, greetings, 24341

6290,0u . 2342 .  Radio Ronin SW (relay), Queen “Fat Bottomed Girls”, ELO “Turn to Stone”, 35443

3910,0L . . 0005 . UNID, Cher “Believe”, instrumental, US hams complaining and singing over it, usual racist talk, 33442

4029,0 . . 0010 . Laser Hot Hits, pop, ID, laser effects, dance version of “You Got a Hold on Me”, 33341, cw QRM

6925,0u . . 0018 . Dit Dah Radio, cw ID, “Come and Join Us on the Aiirwaves”, 34342

6285,2 . . 0037 . Focus Int., long talk about early pirate stations, Beatles “Love Me Do”, 25342

6990,0L . 0050 . Baltic Sea Radio, Russian? polka, ID, 45443

Logs, April 26

6950,0 . . 1949 . UNID, continuous acoustic blues, 35443 (also heard in eastern US, but not Europe)

6304,8 . . 2018 . Radio Merlin Int., ID, “Freebird”, 25442

6552,8 . . 2030 . Pink Panther Radio, ID, pop, greetings, email, 24432

6295,0 . . 2040 . Radio Odynn, “Do Wah Diddy”, country, “Hippy Hippy Shake”, 24442, up to 35442 at 2150 with “House of the Rising Sun”, ID, greetings,

6285,2 . . 2102 . Focus Int., The Zombies “Time of the Season”, Joe Cocker “With a Little Help From My Friends”, 25342

6540,0 . . 2137 . Radio Powerliner Int., ID, greetings, mellow Dutch music, 25342

3905,5 . . 2255 . UNID, instrumental,  Dutch music, 33442

6932,5 . . 2309 . Irish Music Radio, ID, female DJ, pop, audio seems low, 34442

1710,0 . . 2317 . UNID (Greece), talk in Greek, music, c/d 2320, 35443 (reported in Iann’s chat as part of a QSO, other stations not heard)

6735,0L . 2321 . Hot Radio, Peter Schilling “Major Tom”, more 80’s pop, 24341

Sunday 21 April 2013

Logs, April 21

6305,0 . . 2044 . Radio Powerliner Int., Madonna “Borderline”, ID, greeting listeners in English and Dutch, 34442

6937,5 . . 2109 . Irish Music Radio, Fleetwood Mac “Dreams”, ID, 25332

6285,0 . . 2115 . UNID, Backstreet Boys “Everybody”, polka, 45443

6540,1 . . 2127 . Free Radio Victoria, Everly Brothers “Cathy’s Clown”, ID, “That’s the Way I Like It”35442

6300,0 . . 2136 . TRX Radio, continuous country music, ID finally at 2250, 34332

6400,0 . . 2202 . UNID, pop music under a loud ute, heard one announcement with the word “Radio”, 32341

6250,0 . . 2318 . Radio Flying Dutchman, “Sweet Home Alabama”, greetings, BZN, 35443, switched to usb at 2332

6938,0 . . 0003 . Mysterious Mystic Radio, very old music (30’s?), distorted talk, ID and snailmail address,c/d 0019, 34443

4029,0 . . 0024 . Laser Hot Hits, pop, ID, email, HL number, music seemed lower than the voice, 35342

6925,5 . . 0043 . The Crystal Ship, IS, Doors “The Crystal  Ship”, “Age of Aquarius”, 34332

QSLs from Over 60 Degree Radio and Technical Man

I am away from the radio for a few nights, but I was lucky enough to receive a couple of confirmations to brighten my days.

This great QSL was received from Over 60 Degree Radio.  I love old maps ... put it together with the Stones logo and you get a fantastic QSL.   Thanks Mike!

I also got a text confirmation from Techinical Man.  Thanks Gertie (and to the friend who passed on the reception report,:-) ).


Cheers, Terry

Sunday 14 April 2013

Logs, April 14

6552,8 . . 2033 . Radio Pink Panther, usual closing tune, ID, 25331

6285,1 . . 2037 . Different Radio, email, webstream, instrumental music, 35342

6305,0 . . 2044 . Radio Powerliner Int., “Bridge Over Troubled Waters”, ID, 24331, still on 2308 with a much better signal, The Hollies “The Air that I Breathe”, ID, closing announcements, greetings, polka, 34443

6325,6 . . 2107 . UNID, very weak music, was not able to wait for an ID, and was gone when I got back an hour later.

6240,0 . . 2228 . UNID, pop music, good signal strength but low audio, c/d 2230 without announcement, 34441

6925,0u . 2326 . Hard Tack Radio, “Polly Wolly Doodle”, ID, email, 33442, ssb QRM

Saturday 13 April 2013

Logs, April 12

6285,0u . 2105 . Over 60 Degree Radio, Stones “Play with Fire”, ID, “Jumpin Jack Flash”, 24341

6552,8 . . 2112 . Pink Panther Radio, ID, usual sign off song, email, closing comments, 34332

6300,5 . . 2138 . Crazy Wave Radio, ID, Pet Sop Boys “West End Girls”, dance version of Bob Marley “Iron, Lion, Zion”, 25331

3905,0 . . 2214 Skyline Int. Radio “Funkytown”, country, ID, greetings, instrumental, c/d 2302, 34332

5835,0L . 2230 . Over 60 Degree Radio, music, ID closing comments, c/d 2231

1645,8 . . 2254 . Radio Happy Miner, was just fading in with Dutch music and talk, but c/d 2259, ID vi Iann's chat, 23331

9930,0L . 0002 . Baltic Sea Radio, “Born Free”, ID, Russian song, 35443

6210,2 . . 0028 . Radio Marabu, “I Just Dropped In (to See What Condition My Condition Was In), Garry Puckett “Young Girl”, ID, 34342

Thursday 11 April 2013

Logs, April 9- 12

Sorry for the late posting.  As usual, not much listening time during the weeknights here, but I did snag a few signals (mostly North American because of my late listening hours).

All dates and times UTC

April 9
6949,6 . . 2342 . Pseudo Radio, punk music and voice outtakes, possible ID as “(Kudo?) Radio QSL” at 2348, c/d 2355, 45343, lots of loud static crashes tonight (ID given on HFU as “Pseudo Radio”)

April 10
4029,0 . . 0050 . Laser Hot Hits, “Soul Searching”, talk, signal was s5-7 but poor copy tonight

April 11
6925,0 . . 0124 . Red Mercury Labs, unknown pop song, The Fixx “One Thing Leads to Another”, The Outfield “Your Love”, talk by op, just a bit too low to copy, “We Got the Beat”, ID via HFU, 35342
6925,1 . . 2354 . Pseudo Radio, punk music, ID 0010, c/d 0012, 33341

April 12
4029,0 . . 0016 . Laser Hot Hits, pop (I think Phil Collins), talk too weak to copy tonight, 24331, occasional loud  rtty QRM

Monday 8 April 2013

Logs, April 7 and QSL from NMD

Conditions were good on 48 m, but it was a fairly quiet night.  The sun is setting later and later each night, so signals are not fading in here until after 1930 or 2000 UTC.

I spent a fair bit of time scanning mw, where I heard several carriers and little bits and pieces from various stations, but just a little to weak for any details.

21480,0 . 1754 . Undercover Radio, ID, email, talk about a flashback, 35443

6552,8 . . 1928 . Pink Panther Radio, “Twist and Shout”, usual closing song at 2022, ID, 24342

6285,0 . . 1935 . Tip and Elvis Show, “Riders on the Storm”, greetings, c/d 2003, 25342

13870,0 . 2004 . Undercover Radio, ID, pop, instrumental with whispered talk, 35443

6305,0 . . 2014 . Radio Powerliner Int., ID, greetings, Fine Young Cannibals “Johnny Come Home”, M “Pop Muzik”, 24442

6932,5 . . 2045 . Irish Music Radio, pop, ID, weak signal tonight, 24331

4029,0 . . 2311 . Laser Hot Hits, Led Zep “All My Love”, ID, Lou Rawls “Lady Love”, 33442, ssb QRM

I also received this very nice full-data QSL from NMD Radio. He had quite a good signal for only 20 watts!


Sunday 7 April 2013

Logs, April 6

It was an incredibly busy, and enjoyable, evening on the pirate bands.  Lots of great signals and 3 new stations (Goudenster, Activity and Centurion).

My only regret is that I did not have more time to listen to each station.  Thanks to all the ops for the great entertainment.

6950,0 . . 1253 . UNID, continuous blues music, no announcements heard, 25331

6950,0 . . 1946 . UNID, had been hearing traces of this signal since 1800, faded in enough to hear a news report about war, c/d 1950, 25331

6932,5 . . 2020 . Irish Music Radio, Rod Stewart “This Old Heart of Mine”, ID, 25432

6305,0 . . 2035 . Radio Powerliner Int., 80’s pop, organ music, Dutch song, ID, classical, on past 2300, 34342

6745,2 . . 2107 . Radio Pioneer AM, “All I Have to Do Is Dream”, more oldies, ID, 24331

3904,9 . . 2118 . Radio Alice, CCR “The Midnight Special”, ID,  25342

6295,0 . . 2128 . Radio Odynn, “My Sharona”, instrumental, reggae, ID, c/d 0003, 35443

6284,9 . . 2133 . Radio Goudenster, instrumental, ID, moved to 6205, 34442

6244,9 . . 2138 . Radio Flying Dutchman, country rock, ID, 34332

6272,0 . . 2208 . Radio Telstar, “What is Love”, moved to 6270,0 at 2213,more dance,  34443

6925,0 . . 2233 . Undercover Radio, instrumental, ID/email, 44433

3935,1 . . 2241 . Free Radio Victoria, Fortunes “You’ve Got Your Troubles”,

6300,0 . . 2246 . Radio Centurion, talk in Dutch, c/d 2248ID via Iann;s chat, 24442

6204,8 . . 2252 . Radio Goudenster, “You Were Always on My Mind”, “Pretty Woman”, 33442

6220,0 . . 2259 . Radio Rainbow Int., ID, mellow music, talk, 24341, oved to 6300, 0 at 2340

3930,0 . . 2306 . Radio Activity, John Lennon “Woman”, greetings, ID, “Lay, Lady, Lay”, 24442

6715,0 . . 2316 . Black Bandit Radio, country, ID, country drinking song, 44443

6660,0 . 2322 . UNID, dance music, c/d 2325 without announcement, I was tuned in usb, but others in chat reported it better in lsb, 34442

6735,0L . 2346 . Hot Radio, Blondie “Call Me”, ID/email, 24341, nice paeak at 0125 with Led Zep “Stairway to Heaven”, 34332

6285,0 . . 0003 . Radio Borderhunter, ID, ELO “Rock and Roll is King”, email, “Dreadlock Holiday”, Dr. Tim promo, 44433

6935,0u . 0055 . .Wolverine Radio,  “A Little Bird Told Me”, ID, “Bird Dog”, Bob Marley "Three Little Birds", 54444

6205,0u . 0110 . Radio Underground, ID, email, bluegrass, 35443

4029,0 . . 0140 . Laser Hot Hits, “Dragonslayer”, show from Feb 24, 2013, ID, laser effects, 34442

Saturday 6 April 2013

Logs, April 5

Signals were a bit weak on 48 m tonight.  Not sure if it was conditions or a possible fault in my antenna (I suspect the second since other listeners were hearing stations well.)  Time for some antenna maintenance when the 100+km/hr winds die off.

6285,6 . . 2047 . Radio Underground, 30’s/40’s style music, ID, 24332

6440,0 . . 2054 . Radio Black Panther, ID, instrumental, audio was very distorted, 35432

6305,0 . . 2121 . Radio Powerliner Int. with Tornado, ID, Boney M “Rasputin”, “Mr. Tambourine Man”, 25332, on past 0000

1640,1 . . Witte Raaf Radio, Dutch music, faded out, back briefly at 2303 with psychedelic organ music, pop,

6932.5 . . 2245 . Irish Music Radio, Supremes “Baby Love”, ID, Blondie “Call Me”, 35443

6940,0 . . 2251 . UNID, Dutch music, good signal but very low audio, no announcements, heard, c/d 2315, 35441

6925,0u . 2314 . Black Cat Radio, rock music, ID, email, 25442

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Logs, April 2 (3 UTC)

4029,0 . . 0105 . Laser Hot Hits, playing prank? calls (one with a caller asking for bank account details so he can make his donation directly into their account, lol), Flock of Seagulls “I Ran (So Far Away)”, HL number, ID, 25432

6925,0u . 0238 . Blue Ocean Radio, music with lots of harmonica (blues, bluegrass?), ID, 0249, one rock song and then country,  24441

Monday 1 April 2013

Logs, April 1 & QSLs from Odynn and Bluestar

Good conditions tonight on 48 m, but not terribly busy.

6940,0 . . 1902 . Irish Music Radio, opera, ID, easy listening music, on past 2130, 33442, ssb QRM

6325,8 . . 1939 . Radio Caroline Int., pop, ID, reggae, 24442

6552,8 . . 1950 . Radio Pink Panther, pop, greetings to Powerliner, ID, 25442

6553,0 . . 2006 . Voice of the Easter Bunny, reporting to Pink Panther, “One Night in Bangkok”, 25442 (based on the voice, I think this is a well known station).

6284,7 . . 2017 . Focus Int.,“My Baby Loves Lovin’”, ID, “Break My Stride”, email, low audio, 34442

9990,0L . 2057 . Baltic Sea Radio, Russian? pop, ‘seagull’ ID in Russian? and English. Japanese pop, Japanese ID/email with phonetic spelling, “Chicken Dance”, , 24442

6239,9 . . 2128 . Radio Flying Dutchman, Bowie “The Jean Genie”, greetings, ID, jazzy instrumental, short test, c/d 2139, 34443

6925.1 . . 2315 . XEROX Radio Duplicado, flute music, ID, email, repeat of previous show, 24342

4029,0 . . 2342 . Laser Hot Hits, dance, ID, slow, deep fades, 24331

1636,0 . . 0021 . Radio Pandora, Dutch music, ID, greetings, long slow fades but nice peaks, c/d 0053, 25432

6925,0u . 0107 . Red Mercury Labs, unknown song, “Red Skies at Night”, “I Walk the Line”, ID and talk, 25341

I received these great themed QSLs from Odynn today.  Nice designs, and very appropriate.

Thanks Odynn!

As well, I recently received this very professional looking QSL from Bluestar with a nice info-card.

Thanks Henri!