6959.7 . . 2125 . Atlantic Radio, easy listening pop, jingle ID, 24342
3905,1 . . 2139 . Skyline Int. Radio, “Sweet Home Alabama”, “Love Hurts”, 34342
6447,7 . . 2204 . Elvis AM Radio, “Rock the Casbah”, “Running With the Devil”, ID and greetings (thanks!), said would c/d, 23442 ute QRM
6303.8 . . 2227 . Radio Black Arrow, weak music and talk, heard some words including “Netherlands” and “hello terry”, ID via Iann’s chat, 24331 (Note: upon reviewing the audio file, I could hear a clear ID at 2237, and announcing low power)
6307,5u . . 2248 . Radio Tropiq, dance music, ID and c/d or faded 2345, 24442, was back on 0050 with a better signal, 34443, at 0050 with “Clap for the Wolfman”, "Dirty Laundry",ID

6300,0u . . 2254 . Radio Fox 48, rock music, ID via Iann’s chat, 24441
6306,1 . . 2325 . Radio Altrex, very weak music, heard “Hello Terry, this is Radio Altrex” on a peak (thanks for greets), 24331
6925,0 . . 0140 . Radio Ronin Shortwave (US), “Living on the Edge”, “The Pusher”, ID, c/d 0227 after closing announcements, 34432
6925,0u . 0240 . WEAK Radio (US), relay of WEAK, either started in am or there was another carrier on the freq for the first few minutes, talk (very weak), ID and punkish music, 24442, - still going 0315, 34442 now, 0322 finally a song I can ID: BST "Ride Captain Ride"
Cheers, Terry
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