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Saturday 27 December 2014

Logs, December 25 & 26

Dec. 25 

The bands were very quiet tonight.  I caught the end of a few shows.  Unfortunately, both Marabu and Focus were covered by utility stations.

6304,0 . . 1908 . Radio Mistletoe, ID, email, 25442
6295,9 . . 2140 . Radio Black Arrow, rock, ID, closing announcements, instrumental, 45433
6295,0 . . 0101 . Radio Abu Dhabi, country, ID, said would c/d, 35333

Dec. 26

48 m was quite good around sunset, as was 76 m, buut both bands died about an hour after sunset, and signals did not return.

6210,0 . . 1959 . UNID, dance, 45444
6295,0 . . 2010 . Tower Radio, Dutch music, “Camouflage”, 35443
6305,0 . . 2029 . Radio de Witte Reus, GnR “Bed of Roses”, c/d 203425431
6284,8 . . 2036 . Focus Int. (presumed), relay of Hobart Radio Int. Christmas special, 24442
3930,0 . . 2040 . Focus Int., pop music, ID, email, 34442

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