Hi everyone:
I got up at 4:30 am local time this morning, hoping to hear some activity from Europe. Unfortunately, conditions were not good, and the few signals I heard were weak.
5820,0 . . 0805 . Orion Radio Nederland, ad for Offshore
Echoes, ID, greetings to listeners, 24332
6984,8 . . 0813 . Radio Waves Int., traces of music, ID via
Iann’s chat
6220,0 . . 0824 . Radio Merlin Int., weak pop music, talk by
a familiar voice, 25331
6930,0 . . 0845 . Irish Music Radio, ID, pop music, 25331
6325.0 . . 0937 . Wizard Radio, Kraftwerk, faded after a few
minutes, ID via Iann’s chat, 24331
6376.0 . . 1010 . UNID, traces of music for a couple minutes,
then faded
Cheers, Terry